Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Random Sightings of God

Tuesday, August 16th, we gathered at the Love and Life center sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Sisters of Life.  We are filled with joy to see all the American flags among our brothers and sisters from Canada, Guam, Britain, South Africa, Australia, to name a few. 
Love and Life Center at WYD Madrid

Our gathering started with a Cajun band from Louisiana and then presentation from Fr. Robert Barron on The Catholicism Project, a Global Perspective.  FYI, St. Joes will participate in the series as part of the Adult Faith Formation at the first of the year.

Your Pilgrim
Karen Wright         


  1. Are you with the Sisters of Life from NY? If you are, please look for Sr. Virginia Joy. She used to work with us at St. Joseph's in SC.

    Continued prayers for your safe and spirit-filled journey!

  2. Yes, there is a multitude of Sisters of Life as well as other religious and priests. There is also a vocations fair as many of the orders are represented and present at this venue.
